Intellectual Property

Search For Corporations, Limited Liability Companies, Limited Partnerships, And Trademarks By Name

A trade name does not need to include additional words or legal phrases Corporation , LLP, Pvt Ltd etc. You will need to include your original bond, insurance certificate, and the $250 fee for your 2-year contractor license Oregon. Attorney Freddy Saavedra works to provide all his clients with effective, personalized, and compassionate legal representation.

Filing Your Sunbiz Annual Report

Names or designations used by companies to identify themselves and distinguish their businesses from others in the same field. And there is little room to doubt but that they will come up to those bounds, as often as occasion and opportunity may offer, and they may judge it proper to do it. For as on the one hand, they will not readily pass laws which they know the courts will not execute, so on the other, we may be sure they will not scruple to pass such as they know they will give effect, as often as they may judge it proper.

Because our company was created by experienced attorneys, we strive to be the best legal document service on the web. The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) of 1933 was deemed unconstitutional and the Supreme Court ruled that it violated the Tenth Amendment.

The state of New York has a similar appellate structure as it is divided into four appellate departments supervised by the final New York Court of Appeals Decisions of one appellate department are not binding upon another, and in some cases the departments differ considerably on interpretations of law.

The Terms and relationship between you and us will be governed by the laws of Japan without regard to its conflict of law provision. Our Houston attorneys at Le Law Group all possess a great deal of drive, both personally and professionally. 35 Moreover, even fewer felons go free as a result of the suppression of evidence by the exclusionary rule when the police act in reasonable reliance upon a facially-valid warrant.

Beyond that, this amendment ensures that no individual state can pass a law that negatively impacts the rights of U.S. citizens that are provided for in the U.S. Constitution. You may use the Services only as permitted by law. This is a Latin phrase that means for the common good,” and lawyers can choose to do the work for no fee at all.

No deterrent value is served by excluding evidence obtained by an honest police officer who acted pursuant to an ostensibly valid warrant that was later ruled defective owing to an error by the magistrate. Still, to render the mandamus a proper remedy, the officer to whom it is to be directed, must be one to whom, on legal principles, such writ may be directed; and the person applying for it must be without any other specific and legal remedy.

DBA means “doing business as.” A DBA is any registered name that a business operates under that isn’t its legal business name. Holding companies are generally structured either as a C corporation or a limited liability company (LLC). Some members of Congress have even proposed legislation to abolish the exclusionary rule in federal court.


At Contractors Training Center, we understand that you may not be fully aware of the laws, rules, and regulations. Florida law requires a $500 reinstatement fee for each year or part thereof the limited partnership was revoked + $500 filing fee for each report year due. In Mapp, the Court held that the exclusionary rule applied to state criminal proceedings through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. If you do have a holding company or you’re seeking to own a number of assets and form a holding company instead of a conventional business, then it’s important to take note of all the relevant tax implications.

reserved powers example

These provisions are universal in their application to all persons within the territorial jurisdiction, without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality, and the equal protection of the laws is a pledge of the protection of equal laws. Depositions are commonly used in civil litigation (suits for money damages or equitable relief); they are not commonly used in criminal proceedings (actions by a government entity seeking fines or imprisonment). Based on the price tag associated with the services provided by an immigration lawyer, many wonder if it’s worth it. After all, there are so many online resources and forms available, all of which are often free of charge.

To Say The Conclusion

In South Africa and other countries whose legal systems are based on Roman-Dutch law , the interdictum de homine libero exhibendo is the equivalent of the writ of habeas corpus. The purpose of an Annual Report or Amended Annual Report is to update or verify your entity’s information on our records. When settlement is impossible or unfavorable, we are also skilled trial attorneys who are ready to fight for our clients.